HealthTrying to conceive? How to get pregnant fast naturally

April 19, 2022by Meenu Arora0

Whenever you reveal to anyone that you’re trying to conceive, you’ll get some kind wishes and lots of advice. Some of your close ones would even joke about it and tease you lovingly. Speaking of jokes, a lot of people think that an egg is a chicken fetus!

But actually, it’s a common miss(ed)conception!

Jokes apart, conception is often misconceived. A woman does not conceive a child every time she has sexual intercourse, no matter what you have learned in your school biology class. Successful pregnancy occurs in due course based on the natural reproductive cycle of the woman. This cycle includes the release of eggs & variations in the level of sexual hormones every 4 weeks. During each of these monthly cycles, one has a chance to get pregnant after intercourse. 

trying to conceive and positive pregnancy test
The lines you wanna see when trying to conceive

What is conception?

When the male sperm fertilizes the (female) egg following sexual intercourse, it is called a successful conception or the beginning of pregnancy. 

Why does conception take longer than usual for some women? Well, it hinges on various factors such as timing, fertility, lifestyle, age, etc. however, one can facilitate the process of conceiving.

To increase your chances of conceiving in every cycle, there are many things you can do

Statistics reveal that the following practices have proven to help women get pregnant naturally unless they are suffering from an underlying medical condition. 

Five tips to get pregnant fast  

1.  Plan the baby at the peak of your fertile age

 Starting from puberty, a woman’s fertility peaks at the age of 24. After this age, the chances of conception and the quality of eggs start declining. Post 35, it diminishes considerably. 

If for any reason, you do not want to plan your baby in this age bracket(24-35), you can freeze and store your eggs to use later for pregnancy. But you must do this process by 35, for the best chromosomal and egg quality. 

If you do not conceive within twelve months & are below 35, you must see your doctor for a fertility evaluation

 2. Follow your basic cycle to conceive

For successful conception, there has to be an egg to fertilize, right? One might think that eggs are already there in the uterus and to fertilize them, all is needed is the sperm to enter the uterus. Well, it’s not exactly like that. Eggs are released into the uterus periodically.

In each menstrual cycle, a series of hormonal changes occur in the female body that makes an immature egg grow in the ovary and be released into the fallopian tubes. It is called ovulation. This egg is only viable for about a day after being released. If the egg gets fertilized by a sperm during this time, it keeps moving down and attaches to the uterus wall, thus completing the conception.  

trying to get pregnant by tracking ovulation dates
Keep track of your ovulation dates when trying to conceive

How to calculate your ovulation date? 

Counting from the first day of the period, ovulation occurs on any day between the 11th and 21st day. This is the window. It prevails for a day.

To conceive, have sex in the days before and during ovulation. That way, when the egg is released into the fallopian tube, the sperms are there to fertilize them. The sperms remain alive there for 4-5 days.  

3. Prep your body for conception 

There are significant reasons to believe that preconception diet and lifestyle affect your fertility and possible chances of conception. And it is true for both the partners.

Before you start ‘trying’, your health should be robust. You may want to consult your gynecologist or a fertility specialist to get a screening done. Discuss all health issues, hereditary diseases, and diet.

The following Lifestyle changes and enhanced diet substantially improve your chances of conception. Not only that, but they also make the pregnancy and delivery smooth. 

These changes are:-

  • Stopping the consumption of alcoholic drinks
  • Achieving an optimum body weight
  • Quit smoking altogether
  • Cutting caffeine intake
  • Intake of prenatal vitamins & folic acid
  • Doing regular exercise, but not rigorous

It is found that poor nutrition, smoking, certain drugs, and alcohol lower fertility in men & women both. Good health and nutrition boost the chances of pregnancy.  

4. Stop the use of lubricants that hurt the sperm

Certain types of lubricants or jellies used during intercourse is another element that you should avoid when trying to conceive.

“Some lubricating products reduce the motility and viability of your partner’s sperm

Some lubricants contain chemicals that can make the sperm slow and short-lived. So, avoid using water-based lubricants, saliva, KY jelly, olive oil, etc. Instead, use products that have a hydroxyethyl cellulose base. Or, use mineral oil, pre-seed, and canola oil. 

5. Stop fretting about positions!

Lots of myths keep floating around telling you that some positions during sexual intercourse favor conception while others do not. Well, they aren’t true. Some even claim that keeping your legs elevated after intercourse helps the semen to get inside. Not true either. But yes, it is advisable to stay put in bed for 15-20 minutes instead of rushing to the washroom. It facilitates maximum sperm to get in.   

Consult a doctor when trying to conceive

Conception is a very natural process. However, if you do not conceive for 12 months after you start ‘trying’, you must consult a doctor. Never shy away from consulting a fertility specialist. Parenthood is a very emotional and important aspect of a person’s social existence, especially for women. As a spouse, it is your responsibility.

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